How to choose a facial cleanser for oily skin

Be it winter or summer, it is important to take care of your skin. If you happen to have oily skin
then it can create havoc for you. But, with a little bit of care and some expert tips, you can fight
with oily skin easily. It is one of the biggest ways to combat oily skin by opting for the right kind
of face wash which can cleanse the skin and fight the excess sebum. While this solution might
look easy, picking up the right face wash for oily skin can be confusing. So, here are some of the
best tips to choose a facial cleanser for oily skin. 

Understanding your skin

The oily skin often involves a wide range of problems including clogged pores, blackheads as
well as acne. It is because of the production of sebum in excess. In addition to it, environmental
pollutants can affect the skin adversely worsening the situation. This is why you should go with the
right cleanser so that it has all the power to remove all the impurities from the skin. But before you
choose the perfect cleanser for your skin, you must note that washing your face with some lukewarm
water can do good to the skin. The lukewarm water dissolves water faster than cold water and helps to
clean the face.

Are you using the right face wash? 

Everyone uses a face wash but are you using the right face wash? Since the oily skin is prone to
acne and it is often laden with impurities, you need to choose the right face wash. You need to ensure
that the cleanser you choose is right for your skin type. The cleanser you choose should have the power to
go deep into the skin and pull out the grime and dirt that leave the skin clean. Tulsi and turmeric oil face cleanser has
the power to take out all the impurities from the skin. It also helps in removing the leftover makeup and sebum that makes
the skin feeling thoroughly cleansed.

Tulsi and Turmeric Oil Face Cleanser 

Tulsi and Turmeric Oil Face Cleanser is a blend of 100% pure aloe vera juice and the essential oils of
tulsi and turmeric. The essential oils are perfectly blended with Himalayan Juniper to create a natural cleanser.
You can use it regularly morning and evening to combat a wide range of problems including pollution,
dirt and brightens the skin. 

The wide range of benefits 

  • Effectively remove all the dirt from the skin
  • Brightens the skin
  • It provides anti-fungal protection
  • It acts as an astringent
  • It helps in removing face makeup 
  • It is suitable for all skin types
  • It is paraben-free as well as cruelty-free

Pay attention to the hygiene 

Besides eating non-greasy food, ensure that you drink ample amounts of water and use the
right cleanser for your face. You need to make sure that you keep the hands-off from the face
for the rest of the day. Your hands are the carriers of germs and when you bring them in contact
with your face, your hands can transfer more bacteria. 
