7 habits of people with flawless skin that you should follow

We all admire the beauty of celebrities and wish to achieve radiant skin like them. Not only celebs, but we all have a few friends who have flawless skin.
When you ask, “how they achieved it?” they answer, nothing special. Goodness comes with regularity and
knowing the right things for you. In skin care, you aren’t required to spend a lot of bucks on skincare products.
Just follow the habits of people already having flawless skin.
1. Remove makeup before going to bed- It is important to remove makeup before going to bed. Silly mistakes
over the year can harm the skin badly. 
2. Face washing twice a day with lukewarm water–Every day you have to deal with pollution, dirt, and microparticles.
Guard your skin by cleansing it twice a day. Wash your face in the morning before leaving home and once in the
night before going to bed. Select an all-round face cleanser that cleanses the skin without drying it. Use lukewarm
water for face cleansing. 
3. Drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated- the Water level in the body is important if you want flawless
skin. Drink mineral water, fruit juices, and herbal tea, to keep skin hydrated.
4. Moisturize your skin Daily - Though water is essential not everything. Skin demands extra care and effort.
Nourish it with a suitable moisturizer according to your skin type.
5. Scrub face gently at least once a week–As time passes, skin loses its ability to regenerate new skin cells, so
dead skin cells form a layer on the skin. To shed off these skin cells, exfoliate once a week
6. Exercise every day- Ever tried to know, “why celebrities focus on yoga, workouts, and exercise?”. Any form of
exercise is important to keep skin healthy as it boosts blood circulation and improves the elasticity of the skin.
7. Protect from sunlight- Sunlight and UV rays are the biggest enemy of skin. Wear sunglasses, apply sunblock or sunscreen, and cover your skin.
