Best skincare routine for the dry skin in winters

Oh, winters are approaching! It’s time to switching up your skincare routine. Have you ever noticed how our skin
seems to lose all its moisture whenever you wake up in the morning? Here are some top tips for your skin to
deal with cold weather and the dryness it can bring:

  1. Cleanse your face with a mild, hydrating and gentle face wash as soon as you wake up in the morning.
  2. Immediately after washing the face, apply a moisturizer and massage it gently. This is the most crucial step in caring for dry skin. It is always better to apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of washing your face. This will keep your skin hydrated.
  3. Once after moisturizing the face, it’s time to give sun protection to your skin. Never miss this step! Sun protection is crucial for preventing UV damage and helps to keep the skin healthy.

This is the basic winter dry skin routine that every individual with dry skin must follow. Once you follow these steps, you may go ahead to apply makeup. Apart from following a proper skincare routine, there are some things that you need to avoid if you have dry skin. 
Skincare mistakes if you have dry skin

  • Don’t cleanse your face more often
  • Don’t use a harsh cleanse rather go for a milder one
  • Don’t spend long hours in a dry environment
  • Avoid aggressive rubbing while using the scrub
Whether it is caused by aging or environmental factors, having dry skin can be itchy and uncomfortable. And,
your kitchen may hold the secret to achieve healthy and vibrant skin. There are some dry skin home remedies/treatments available to treat your dry skin which is most effective too: 

  • Add coconut oil in your skincare routine and apply it daily on even the most sensitive  parts of the body
  • Apply a hydrating face cream before leaving the home. It will help to maintain the moisture level in the skin.
Adjust your shower temperature. Take showers with warm water, not hot. After a shower, apply a body cream or body lotion to nourish your body.
