The secret behind celebrity skincare routine!

The secret behind celebrity skincare routine!
Celebrities have glowing and flawless skin and whenever asked, they credit it to every other living creature
such as drinking a lot of water and not burn in the sun. But, to stay the face of the year, they use a wide range
of products and swear by a great skincare routine. So, here is the inside scoop about the celebrity skincare
routine which you can follow too:
Cleansing the face: It is important to start your day by cleansing your face with a good face wash. However,
cleansing the face after coming from college or office is equally important. Choose a face wash which is
equipped with natural ingredients.
Toning after cleansing: Toner is another important step in the daily skincare routine. Rosewater is one of the
best toners, which can be used to uplift the skin. It helps in making the skin firm and clears all the pollutants.
Under-eye cream: Under eye cream is an important step to ensure that there are no dark circles or puffiness
in the eyes. It is best to use eye cream twice a day, but if you don’t have enough time, then apply it at least at
night. The best way is to keep the under-eye cream beside the side table so that you can apply it before you
Face Scrubbing: Exfoliating the skin plays an important role in keeping the skin supple and beautiful.
It keeps the dead cells away and makes the skin smooth. It is important to scrub the skin, however, do not
overdo it. It is best to scrub the face once a week with a good face scrub, which suits your face.
Face Mask: If you want to have glowing skin, then applying a great face mask is important. It is important to
buy a face mask with natural ingredients such as pomegranate extract, olive oil, almond oil, essential oils,
rose water and other ingredients. You can apply the face mask every day or if you don’t have time, then iris
best to use a face mask once a week.
Moisturizing the face: Keeping the skin supple is very essential and thus investing in the right moisturizer is
important. There is a wide range of moisturizers available in the market; however, you need to choose a
moisturizer according to the skin type. Every skin is different and thus choosing a product accordingly is
equally necessary.
Face serums: There is a wide range of face serums available in the market. Choosing a face serum can help
in keeping the skin glowing. The serum makes the face clear and clean. You can apply the serum at night to
make the skin beautiful and soft.
Sunscreen lotion: Applying sunscreen lotion over the face is also equally important. The harmful UV rays
can affect the skin and applying sunscreen on a daily basis can help in protecting the skin against the sun and
make it glow.

These steps make sure that your skin is beautiful and supple. If you are one of them who want to have a glowing
and youthful skin forever, then follow these steps.
