Why is exfoliation important in winters and how to do it?

When the temperature decreases, your skin becomes more dry and dehydrated.
Sticking to a daily skincare routine can be really challenging for women as well as
men. But, as the humidity levels drop, your skin needs more care and nurture.
Less moisture in the air can lead to chapped lips, cracked heels, flaky skin, and
wrinkled face. Staying on the moisturizing game is quite essential, but it is more
vital to exfoliate your skin. 
Why is exfoliation essential? 
Exfoliation helps in keeping the skin supple. You apply many layers of cream in the
winter season and you want to maximize its power. In addition to it, you stay long
hours under the sun. By exfoliating your skin regularly, you can achieve great skin.
Your dead cells block the moisture from the layers of live skin cells and thus exfoliating
helps throughout the process. Between the cold air outside and the dry indoor
heating, the skin cell dehydrates and becomes flaky. Everyone needs to buff
away the dead cells, so the new cells can be alive and bring back the magic.
Exfoliating your skin twice a week can do wonders. 
Exfoliation and your skin type 
It is important to exfoliate your skin, but how often is the question. Twice a week
is best if you have normal skin but you need to ensure that you are not over-exfoliating.
So, the rule is pretty simple. If you have oily skin, then you are likely to have thicker
skin than the others. So, your skin needs some strong exfoliates to ensure all the
dead cells are removed. Those who have dry or sensitive skin should go with products
that have small granules such as jojoba beads, ground oatmeal or so on. The key
is to stick with products with natural ingredients. They will not harm the skin and
provide you with soft and beautiful skin. 
Using mesh gloves 
Everyone has heard about the mesh gloves and know for a fact that mesh gloves
are good for exfoliating your face, but what about the rest of your body? Because
the skin on the body is much thicker and tougher than the face, you can use a product
with physical beads. You can also use exfoliating mitts or a body scrub to keep the
rest of the body smooth and soft this winter.
Choosing the right product 

There is a wide range of products available in the market these days which makes
choosing the right product for your skin very difficult. However, the best option is to
go with something which is boost with natural ingredients. The products which are
rich in chemicals can help you in the earlier stages but later on, you can see the
side effects. Wrinkles, pigmentation, dark spots and so on are the result of applying
harsh chemicals on your skin. Whenever choosing a product, do not fall for false
promises. Choose something which is right for your skin and keep it supple during
the harsh weather conditions. Happy winters.
