Best tips to enhance skin texture and elasticity

With age, our skin tends to lose collagen and elastin. These are the two important proteins that
provide the skin with its structure and ability to stretch. In such cases, the skin becomes thinner,
fragile and sagging. Decreased production of natural oils and increased exposure to the sun can
make the skin dry and prone to wrinkles. Luckily, there are a wide number of products available
in the market that improves skin elasticity. There are some simple lifestyle changes that can also
help to protect your skin and enhance its skin texture and elasticity. 

Stop smoking: Smoking is one of the causes of destroying collagen and elastin from the skin. If
you want to have skin that is supple and firm, then it is important to say no to smoking completely.
The more you smoke the more wrinkles you can experience. Quitting might not reverse the damage
the skin has already incurred, but it can prevent it from worsening. 

Apply sunscreen every day: Protecting your skin is essential. Even just a small amount of daily
sun exposure without wearing sunscreen can cause premature aging. It is important to avoid the
sun between the morning hours. But, if you have to step out in the sun, then apply a good amount
of a broad-spectrum sunscreen to the areas which are exposed to the sun.  

Eat right as well as an exercise: You might think eating right and exercising can improve the skin’s
health. It is important to understand that your skin will glow naturally when you are healthy from inside.
With regular exercise, you can be sure of the increased blood flow. Moreover, you need to eat plenty
of fish, leafy green vegetables, nuts, green tea and other food items that are packed with antioxidants. 

Get the right amount of sleep: Who doesn’t love Netflix and chill. But overdoing it can be really
bad for the skin. While the skin repairs itself when you sleep, so a sound sleep is important for
good skin health. It helps in keeping the skin from looking puffy and saggy around the eyes. If you
have problems falling asleep, then ensure your room is filled with scented candles and a beautiful

Buying the right skincare products: Buying the right skincare products is the best way to proceed.
If you are one of them who picks anything and everything, then you might be doing it completely
wrong. You need to pick the skincare products that are equipped with natural ingredients so that
the skin is supple, beautiful and look youthful forever. Be it a face wash, exfoliant, face mask,
cleanser, toner or moisturizer, pick anything and everything with the right kind of ingredient.
Don’t go with the products which are rich in chemicals. 

Keeping these tips in mind can help you gain a beautiful, supple and youthful skin. In addition to
all these tips, it is essential to keep yourself and your skin hydrated. Take less stress, feel confident
and your skin will speak your heart. 
