How to fight with oily skin?

Do you have oily skin? Are you living with the fear of getting acne, clogged pores? Things get worse when dirt
particles stick on the face and cause skin breakouts and painful pimples. To treat or pamper oily skin you not only
need a good skincare routine but you also need to follow a healthy lifestyle. So read this article to know how to
fight with Oily skin.

1. Gently Cleanse Your Skin

The cleanser helps to get rid of dirt, pollution, and makeup residual. A good cleanser also works well to
remove excess oil from the skin and opens clogged pores. Selecting the wrong products can make the
situation worse. Instead of regular soaps which may contain chemicals, wash with a gentle face cleanser.
Buy pure and natural cleanser and check the label before buying any product.

2. Use the right moisturizer – You may think that oily skin does not need moisturization but it’s not true. Oily skin too needs moisturization. Use Light moisturizer and do not get fancy to buy a heavy moisturizer. 

3. Drinking water– Drinking an adequate amount of water is important. When the skin is hydrated and
nourished, it helps to restrict the production of oil. Also, drinking a lot of water helps to shed away the
excess oil through sweating. Therefore, drink lots of water and use a good skin moisturizer.

4. Eat Healthy food–Healthy food is also important to heal dry skin. Eat food and fruits rich in Vitamin C,
Vitamin E, and protein. Fruits like pomegranate, Orange are a good source of moisturization so, include
them in your health routine.
These are the simplest thing you can do to fight with oily skin. Use these tricks and please let me know,
‘how effective they worked for your skin?’.
