Natural Home Remedies for Dry Skin In Winters

Hello everyone! He is back! Guess who is he? He is the winter and he has brought a lot of surprises for you. Want
to know? Flaky patches, dry and irritated skin, dullness and tiredness on the face, cold air and many more surprises
in its bag. Winter is a season which people love but skin doesn’t. Lower level of humidity, cold and dry air, cause
water to evaporate quickly, leaving skin dry, tight, and dehydrated. In winter skin loses its ability to retain moisture
by 25%. Furthermore, the human tendency of drinking less water also helps to have dry and flaky skin.
Here are few natural home remedies that will help you deal with dry skin and get a soft and smooth skin:
Moisturize as much as possible – You may hesitate or avoid using face cream but the winter will not spare you.
It will cause dryness every minute. In such situations, use natural skincare products to keep your skin moisturized,
soft, smooth and supple. Products with ingredients like Aloe Vera, Pomegranate, Rose, Jasmine, Olive, Glycerin are good for as moisturizer.
Modify your skincare routine – when the weather changes, you too have to switch to a new skincare routine,
just like our diet changes, our lifestyle changes, skin to need shifting. From light moisturizers in summer to heavy
moisturizers in winter, from the cold-water shower to lukewarm water bath, it’s clear that skincare routine shifts.
Modify your routine accordingly and select the products appropriately. What you need to do? Select deep
moisturizer, use lukewarm water for face wash and shower, apply moisturizer whenever skin feels dry.
Scrubs- We escape from exfoliation in winters but forget that it is a much-needed step for fresh, healthy and g
lowing skin. In winters, due to lack of hydration and nourishment, skin loses its ability to regenerate new skin cells
and also causes skin breakouts, clogging of pores and irritation, resulting in early signs of aging, and itchiness.
Use homemade scrubs or buy a natural ingredient-based Face scrub from the market.
Eat Vitamin C rich fruits – Vitamin C is gaining a lot of hype in skincare products. It is a powerful antioxidant and
astringent that helps to heal various skin concerns. Include Vitamin C rich fruits in your diet. Pomegranate,
Orange, Apple, Lemon are some fruits that are vitamin C rich and easily available in the local market.
Sleep – Few people love to sleep while few are worried because they do not get enough sleep. This may be due
to a busy work schedules, improper routines, etc. Lack of sleep causes dark circles around the eyes. Prevention
is better than cure so stay proactive and have a proper good night's sleep. The ideal duration of sleep is between
6-8 hours.

Your skin is very precious so spend some time and money to take care of it. If you will do justice with skin, it will
also do a favor by giving you shining and healthy skin. There’s nothing better than loving yourself. So, take care
of yourself, stay fit, young and glowing throughout the winter. Stay tuned for more skincare tips. Thank You!
