Why Exfoliation Is Important In Winter And How To Exfoliate

There so many things like cold water bath, half sleeves clothes and a few more things that we avoid in
winter. Skincare routine shifts, but the basics indeed remain the same. Exfoliation is one of them,
though we avoid the exfoliation, it’s not a good practice in a skincare routine.

Read this article to know why exfoliation is important in winter

Dry Skin – In winter skin gets drier by 25%-40% than it usually dries. Cold air and low humidity steal
the moisture from the skin and make it look flaky and patchy. We too help in this cause by not drinking
a sufficient amount of water. Also, the human tendency of avoiding a regular bath makes it easier for
the skin to develop a layer of dead skin cells. To remove dead skin cells and to get flawless skin,
exfoliation is very important.

How to exfoliate

Going with makeup isn’t the right thing for exfoliation. Before scrubbing, remove all your makeup and
dirt from the face and let the skin dry. Let Vanya’s Tulsi and turmeric face cleansers do the job of

When skin is free from dirt and makeup, scrubbing will deeply cleanse your skin by penetrating into the
skin and leaving with a fresh, nourished and shining skin. Be gentle while scrubbing. Don’t scrub with
hard hands, as this can harm your skin. For this purpose, use a natural ingredient-based facial scrub.
You can also try luxurious Pomegranate Face Scrub made by Vanya.

You should treat your skin like a baby child. After face scrub, moisturize your face with
Pomegranate face cream. Anti-aging face cream will add glow and shine to the skin so whenever you
scrub follow it with perfect moisturization.

One-time exfoliation is not going to help your skin so, exfoliate once a week.
