6 Common Skincare Mistakes We Do in Our Daily Skincare Regime

We learn from our mistakes, but it is also important not to make those mistakes that other people have already
done. In skincare routine, there are various silly mistakes that we often do just because either we aren’t aware or
don’t care. Sleeping with makeup on the face, assuming toner is not that important, drinking less water, there are
plenty of things we ignore knowingly. Here are a few skincare mistakes that you should avoid so you can achieve
radiant and healthy skin.

1. Every Product is good–This is a myth that every product you buy is good for you. Few may contain chemicals; a
few may have alcohol and few are made up of natural ingredients. So, choose your products wisely and always
look for the label.

2. Not Every Product  Works for all skin types– Each product serves a specific purpose, thinking every product will
work equally for all skin types that may land you in big trouble. There are few products that work for all skin types,
but not all products do! For example, using a heavy moisturizer for oily skin and light moisturizer for dry skin.

3. Leaving Face Mask for a longer duration- Never leave face mask for a longer time than the prescribed time
duration. It can dehydrate your skin. Also, try to use a home-made face pack or buy a natural face mask for

4. Sleeping with Makeup On - This is the most common mistake we all do but don’t know the adverse effect of
it. It can dehydrate your skin, can damage skin cells and rob the natural glow and moisture of the skin. Always
remove makeup buy using a gentle cleanser before going to bed.

5. Not using the Right water temperature- The right temperature of the water is important because using hot
water can make your skin dry while using cold water is also not good. Best practice to use lukewarm water for

6. Not Checking the ingredients - Ingredients matter a lot in skincare products. Products with alcohol or
chemicals are not good for the skin, so before buying any product check the label carefully.

These are a few silly mistakes that we all do. Avoid these mistakes and to get radiant skin. Follow proper
skincare routine and select products wisely.
