7 Best Tips To Prevent Acne: Prevent Acne Naturally

Acne is the most common skin problem in the world and every person faces it during some point of time
in his life. It may start in teenage or may happen in the early ’30s, with no certainty when acne will start
troubling. Acne starts when the pores get clogged with oil, which boosts the growth of bacteria, leading to
skin inflammations and acne. Pimple is the simplest example of acne. Many factors give their helping
hands in the development of acne, including genetics, diet, stress, or infections.
Here are a few tips to prevent acne:
1. Keep your face clean-
Whether or not you have acne, face cleaning is important to remove dead skin cells, impurities and excess
oil from the skin. Use a gentle cleanser and wash your face twice a day is a good habit

2. Moisturization – Dry skin is also a reason for acne, so always use a moisturizer that deeply nourishes
and hydrates. Select the moisturizer that suits your skin type. There are moisturizers, specially made for
oily, dry or combination skin. Choose the moisturizers according to your skin type.

3. Keep Your Hands Away from the Face– Don’t touch your face with your hands. It can
spread bacteria, and irritate the affected skin. Never pop pimples with the fingers, as it may lead to
infections and more acne.

4. Sun Protection – UV rays can cause redness and inflammation, so limit your time in the sun.
Wear protective clothing and sunscreen. Apply a liberal layer of face cream as it works as a layer of
protection on the skin.

5. Avoid Junk food- Junk food and street foods may not directly, but indirectly help to cause pimples.
So, add fresh fruits, vegetables, and fruit juice to your diet.

6. Exercise then bath- Regular exercise is good not only for the body but also for the skin.
It boosts the blood circulation, shedding away the impurities through sweating.
Shower or bathe just after exercising. The best is to use the shower gel as it is not as harsh
as soap, they are the mild and after application one feels refreshed.

7. Don’t take stress – Stress is another reason of acne or pimples. Why so much stress!
 Just chill, listen to music and be relaxed. 

These are a few simple steps to prevent acne. Still having problems, contact with a skincare expert.
