Beauty tips for face: How to enhance skin glow

Beauty tips mean all-around skincare tips but face care is the most important thing in the beauty regime. Why?
Because the face is the only part of the body that is exposed for a longer time. So, here are some beauty tips for

Cleanse- Kickstart your day by washing your face with Vanya's Tulsi and Turmeric face cleanser. This cleanser not
only purifies the skin but also protects skin from bacteria and infections. The essential oil of Tulsi purifies the skin
while turmeric oil brightens the skin texture with its anti-aging and natural skin brightening properties.
Do not over-wash your face - It is not enough to just find the right cleanser for you. It is also important that you
know how to properly cleanse your skin to complete your skincare routine.
Always use a gentle cleanser and do not randomly change your cleanser. Bank upon a single product for specific
concern and trust it for a while. Random swift may harm the skin. Also, cleanse your face gently and do not over
wash it.

If you moisturize your skin daily, you are on the right track. Though it's your choice what you look in a moisturizing
cream. It can be nourishing and hydrating, or a light moisturizer, or an anti-aging cream.
Select products based on your skin type so that there’s no side effect on the skin.

Exfoliate at least once a week
Exfoliating your skin is as necessary as Your CTM routine is! As you age, skin also ages and its ability to generate
new skin cells, reduces so exfoliation becomes an essential step in a skincare routine. It helps in the treatment
of dark spots by brightening spots and regenerating new skin cells.

Cleanse and moisturize in the night-
Morning skincare isn’t enough, you have to repeat CTM at night as well. Before going to bed, cleanse and
moisturize your face. Also, ensure 8 hours of sleep every day.

These are very basic beauty tips that will help you achieve radiant skin. Follow them, be youthful and stay
